Abstract: This study aimed to explore the effects of Lactobacillus rhamnosu GG (LGG) supplementation on the growth performance, immune function, and antioxidant capacity of foals. Fifteen newborn foals with similar birth weight (51.67 + 6.07 kg) and good health were randomly assigned to three groups: controgroup and test groups I and Ⅱ, which were supplemented with 5.0 × 109 CFU/day and 1.0 × 1010 CFU/day LGG, respectively, for 150 days. LGG intake increased the daily body height (p< .01) and weight (p < .01) gain of foals aged 120 to 150 days, The foals' IgA (P< .05) and lgG (P< .01) plasma levels increased at 30 and 150 days, respectively, and IL-6 plasma level increased at 90 days (P< .01). Plasma total antioxidantcapacity level was significantly higher in test group I than in the control and test group Ⅱ at 30 days (p<.01), whereas glutathione peroxidase level was signifcantly higher in test group Ⅱ than in the controand test group I at 30 days (P< .01). Both test groups had signifcantly higher superoxide dismutaselevel than the control group (P< .01)and signifcantly decreased malondialdehyde plasma level at 90 and 150 days (P < .05). Overall, our findings indicate that dietary supplementation of LGG can improve the growth performance, immune function, and antioxidant capacity of newborn foals.